Ivan Čukić
dr Ivan Čukić
Author of "Functional Programming in C++", KDE developer and Free/Libre software enthusiast
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Functional Programming in C++
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If no one else, I liked it. I think it is a great alternative for people who are not satisfied with the default one. (I for one am not a fan of the switcher in the current Plasma - that is the reason for working on the new one)
> But my time constraints have increased and I > don’t know yet if this is feasible!
I know the feeling. If nothing else, this time it should be easier - you'll be able to reuse the components from this one. Data models, ...
> Thank you again for your fantastic work all around
And thank you for contributing :)
That is the current plan.
Should be. If I finish it on time :)
Yes, adding VDs to the switcher is one of the things that I started to think about in the past few days.
I encourage you to post mock-ups, but you should not be overly hopeful they will be implemented if you make radical changes to the current design.
The main things you need to consider are: - it *needs* to look simple even if it has one of the more complex UI interactions in Plasma today.* (maybe not counting the panel controller :) ) - showing widgets along with the wallpaper is a no-go. It can not be done efficiently. Besides, showing small widgets scaled to 5x5px would not be that beneficial. - the general use-case that should be targeted is single-widget-set-and-wallpaper-per-activity, not per virtual desktop.
* It should not, and can not have the power of the WorkFlow Plasmoid (http://kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=147428). The users who really need that set of features, should just install it, and not expect the default UI to get cluttered to accommodate every edge-case.
To sum up and make it short: activity names, orthogonal (horizontal) thumbnails of virtual desktops (thumbnail showing desktop number, wallpaper and widgets) and flexible number of virtual desktops per activity. Then the activity switcher would be really representative and would clearly show what activities really are.
@* It should not, and can not have the power of the WorkFlow Plasmoid (http://kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=147428). The users who really need that set of features, should just install it, and not expect the default UI to get cluttered to accommodate every edge-case.
Thank u very much for this!! I hadn't understood that WorkFlow had so positive feedback! Unfortunately Workflow hasn't been ported to Plasma Next yet and one of the reasons is that I don't know if it is needed from the users! If such use case occurs I 'll try to find the time in the future for a port and maybe a code and ui cleanup! But my time constraints have increased and I don't know yet if this is feasible!
Thank you again for your fantastic work all around the Activities concept!!