I was hoping to announce this at Meeting C++, but the guys at Manning were a bit faster than I expected. :)
For those of you who know me, you have probably noticed that I talk a lot about functional programming at C++ conferences like Meeting C++, Qt Con, Qt Dev Days and such. The good people at Manning noticed that as well and offered me to write a book on Functional Programming in C++.
I’ve been keeping this under the wraps for some time now, but the book is now officially announced and the first two chapters are made available through the Manning Early Access Program (MEAP). There will be a new chapter coming out each month.

For the following two days (starting November 7th, 00:00 US ET), it
will be the Deal of the Day. You can use the code
on the Deal of
the Day page.
There are some issues with the generated PDF files with the formatting of the code listings, and C++ is called ‘cxx’ everywhere.
The Manning people are working on it. The updated version will be posted soon.
You can see more information about the topics planned to be covered in the book at the book homepage: Functional Programming in C++
There will also be a discount on “Grokking Functional Programming” (a quite interesting FP book from what I’ve seen) and “Functional Programming in C#”.