I haven’t been looking at the PowerDevil+Plasma related news with enthusiasm before (or, tbh, I haven’t looked at ’em at all). And now that I need it, the battery applet and all that, I’m just astonished how well it performs. And how many options it has. Kudos for all involved!
then there is kde bluetooth stack. Again awesome, cell-to-laptop-to-main-computer…
KWin is fast, plasma also, everything is just… awesome!
BTW, this is the first time I don’t use self-compiled KDE4 packages, and it’s not bad at all. Debian’s KDE team made very good packages of 4.2, and even though 4.2 is in experimental repo (I’m using Sid on this eee), it behaves better than kubuntu installations on my familie’s computers.
So three times “hurray” to all mentioned above!