KDE trunk users, backup your plasma configs, and activitymanagerrc - you’ll possibly need them in the next few days.
Ivan Čukić
dr Ivan Čukić
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Is this normal, or should I better report a bug?
@<a href="#comment-24052" rel="nofollow">Gres</a>: Firstly, Lancelot is not a widget, anymore than Amarok or KRunner are.
Just compare the memory usage of KRunner and Lancelot (in your case 2M difference) and then compare the complexity of both.
The largest part of taken memory is the plasma library stuff (pixmap caching - so that svgs don't need to be redrawn over and over again, ...) and that is something that will have to stay like that for now.
I was decreasing the memory usage in the past few versions, but it can't be lowered much more than that.
I don't think I use too many plasmoids. But I have 8 desktops, each with its own activity. <a href="http://www.wonkology.org/comp/desktop/2010-06-19/" rel="nofollow">Here</a> are some screenshots I made while ago, my current setup is quite similar.
I guess I could 'solve' this by removing my .kde4/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc, or better plasma* maybe, and recreate my plasma stuff from scratch. Would this be safe?
Should I submit a bug for this, along with my plasma-desktop-appletsrc? But I guess it would be hard to reproduce for others.
As for deleting the files, it should be safe, but it is always better to move them somewhere else just in case.
Did not yet try to remove the files, at the moment I'm re-compiling everyting with gcc 4.5, and I want this to be done first.
I'll keep the old files of course - I do backups of my whole ~/.kde4 anyway whenever I am about to save the session, because this does not work from time to time, and my desktop is messed up then. I also had the problem sometimes that my activities were on other desktops suddenly, but I was able to fix this either manually in the plasma-desktop-appletsrc file or by getting a backup of this file.
When I add more activities, memory usage climbs higher, although not as high as it was before.
At this moment, I'm a very happy KDE4 user.
Oh, yeah, I like Pink Floyd.
> At this moment, I’m a very happy KDE4 user.
Glad to hear that :)
p.s. The option was renamed since activities are not only widget groups anymore.
If 400M is high, what is 1.7G?
For me, plasma uses < 100M, while top reports 800M.
But when I take a look at the system monitor (the Ctrl-Esc one), it also shows shows 1655168K.
What do you use for measurement?
If you want, you can try to track down the problem by adding them one by one to see where the memory usage jumps (it would be perfect if you could give each one some time to run - maybe a day - there could be some leak or something)
p.s. +1 for the choice of music