I have a few questions that I’d like to hear an answer to from a wider user (and developer) community. Those revolve around the activity switching UI and the things it could have in plasma 2.
Currently, the switcher shows the name and the icon of an activity, and allows you to:
- switch activities (duh)
- create / delete activities
- start / stop activities
- change the name and icon
This is rather rudimentary. We have more information for the activities that somebody could find useful. We know:
- which windows are currently open in an activity
- which documents are open in an activity (for applications that support that kind of thing)
- which documents have been opened in an activity in the past, along with which were most popular (kept open the longest, accessed multiple times etc.)
- what is the wallpaper in the current activity, for running activities maybe even the screenshots of the windows
These are some of the things we could have:
- marking activity as private in the sense of the private mode web browsing which would stop the usage tracking, etc. (not to be confused with encrypted activities we planned for Plasma Active which proved to be infeasible)
- instead of creating blank or templated activities, we could optionally create activities containing the work from the last hour or so. This would move the windows and documents you are currently working on to the new activity (and move all the related recent usage statistics along with them)
- some kind of search (for what?)
All comments on above, ideas for new things and even mock-ups are welcome!
Actually I am one of those that think that activities are very cool, but I can not find a proper workflow that makes my life easier with them. What I would like (just dreaming):
1. I log in and I start with the Starter activity and it always opens empty, no matter what I had opened in the last session. All the other activities are closed, they open on demand.
2. I open the browser and do bla bla bla.
3. I open the Activity control center with a nice effect; something like Mac's mission control maybe, integrated with the show desktops effect which I trigger from the right up corner of my screen.
4. I switch to the Movies activity and it starts Dolphin in the same directory i was and mplayer/bangarang playing the file from the same point I left, with the same subtitles, etc. These applications are opened the first time I enter an activity, no need to differentiate from start and switch. I want to switch to an activity, if it is not started just start it. It also connects automatically my bluetooth speakers, sets volume to maximum, disables screen lock and brightness control and pours me some sweet sweet pacharán on a glass with ice. Maybe roll me a cigarette too.
5. Then I switch to and start the Working activity with that nice effect and it opens a session that I saved manually. I really would not use that "saved session" option, but I guess some people might find it usefull. It disconnects bluetooth speakers, activates screen lock and whatever. It connects by ssh on the terminal to that server and... well, basically everything is like yesterday when you shut down your computer.
6. Since Working activity takes a lot of resources I start again from the corner of my screen the Activities cool control center and stop the Movies activity.
5. From there I create a new activity and I get asked things like: + Clone from other or start from scratch? + Start empty or remember last session?