Ivan Čukić

dr Ivan Čukić

Author of "Functional Programming in C++", KDE developer and Free/Libre software enthusiast

For inquiries about KDE projects (requesting features, submitting bugs, asking general questions etc.), you can use:

KDE Community Forum
Bug reporting site
#plasma IRC channel

You need to contact me directly?

KDE related:
ivan.cukic [at] kde.org

Non KDE related things:
ivan [at] this domain

IRC Network: libera.chat
Nick: ivan|home
Channel: #plasma


Blog categories

Functional Programming in C++

If you like C++, you might be interested in my book. It contains quite a few gems of modern C++ programming.

It is available for purchase at:




Site: deviantArt: Coloured Stripes


Stripes is a set of simple wallpapers that became so popular that the distributions such as openSUSE and FreeBSD used it as the default in some of their releases.


Site: deviantArt: Grow


Stripes is a set of simple wallpapers that became so popular that the distributions such as openSUSE and FreeBSD used it as the default in some of their releases.

To see some of my other wallpapers, you can visit my gallery at deviantArt.

Plasma Themes

Slim Glow

Site: kde-look.org: Slim Glow

Slim Glow
Slim Glow

Slim Glow was one of the first themes for Plasma. Was available since KDE 4.0. It quickly became top rated item on kde-look.org, and remained there for a long time. It is still one of the Top 5 Plasma themes.

Spoons Original

Site: kde-look.org: Spoons Original

Spoons Original
Spoons Original

Spoons Original (dubbed only Spoons at first) was the first custom made Plasma theme, and is the oldest Plasma theme still in existence.

To see my other themes, please visit the kde-look.org.

Other Art

Plasma Active NY2013 Lancelot Icon