- Klassy for development version of Plasma
- Firefox profiles and Plasma launchers (X11 /edit: and Wayland/)
- Plasma 6 and 'traditional' window tiling
- KDE Plasma should be a heaven for modders
- Bugs in the fabric of reality, CERN, Plasma and all
- New Plasma generators coming to CERN
- A screencast of the activity switcher in Plasma 5.1
- Plasma calendar mock-up
- Switching the Plasma shells
- Splashed across plasma
- News and answers (Plasma, Lancelot, etc.)
- Brainstorms for the activities in the desktop plasma needed
- Shelf applet in QML [Lancelot]
- Small communication problems - Linux Mint and Lancelot
- ASCII Plasma Theme and others
- To Plasma/Lancelot theme creators
- Lancelot and KMail in 4.5
- Alternative widgets explorer [Plasma]
- ASCII Plasma theme ("Plasma is too fancy" continued)
- Tokamak 4: Lancelot Mobile
- Tokamak 4: Plasma is too fancy
- To Plasma theme creators [Lancelot]
- Nepomuk/Plasma Activities
- Lancelot forked
- Item D'n'D reordering, better Plasma integration [Lancelot]
- Tokamak 3: Plasma+Nepomuk activities, Kickoff+Krunner...
- Black border around Lancelot
- KDE 4.3: Kopete and Lancelot potential issues
- Lancelot 1.7 screencast (KDE 4.3)
- Favourites reordering, D'n'D... [Lancelot]
- KDE 4.3 RC + Lancelot themes... a bad combo
- Finale: Vote for Lancelot (the last time, I promise*)
- Lancelot 1.7: I just get carried away...
- Vote for Lancelot
- Plasma Widget Explorer
- Plasma::DataEngine, GMail, Keep open... [Lancelot]
- GMail in Lancelot
- Raptor mode for Lancelot
- Parts applet improved [Lancelot]
- Patch for Lancelot to work with Qt 4.5 (for packagers and distributions)
- FAQ: Why is Lancelot a fixed size menu?
- New Plasma themes, new Qt, new Lancelot
- eeeLancelot: Just Gimme the Prize
- Plasma is no more!
- KDE 4.2 Beta 1: Don't file bugs for Lancelot
- Plasma themes and Lancelot
- Lancelot brainstorming on KDE Forums
- I've still got it! [Lancelot]
- Not to be the default menu [Lancelot]
- Lancelot 1.0.3, media coverage
- Lancelot, Plasma theme, Scroll buttons... and other FAQ
- Lancelot 1.0 Packages
- Lancelot 1.0 Final "In my own... idiom"
- Lancelot 1.0 Feature Freeze
- Lancelot Screencast
- Lancelot M4 release
- Lancelot M2½ release
- Lancelot M1 release
- Lancelot Parts Applet
- Lancelot, Plasma theme, Compiling, Crashes...
- HowTo: Lancelot Install
- Lancelot alpha 2 screenshots
- Lancelot alpha 2
- Plasma Embedded
- Response to "Lancelot, KDE and Gnome" (showed in Aaron-colour :) )
- Java in Plasma
- Kopete contacts in Lancelot
- Back on track (Lancelot)
- Site for Lancelot and status update
- Plasma Themes Contest
- Lancelot and resize feedback
- Plasma UI Compiler
- Lancelot applet close to finish
- Plasma Applet Browser Evolves
- Lancelot not for 4.o
- Lancelot's near future...
- All pieces together (Lancelot)
- Lancelot featured in Commit Digest
- Lancelot is ... launching?
- Lancelot revealed
- NodeLayout for Plasma
- Lancelot icon
- Applet Browser in libplasma
- Lancelot - answer to DanaKil
- New Plasma stuff
- New Plasma theme, and a new blog
- Plasma Applet Browser Screen-cast
- Plasma Applet Browser
- KCategorizedItemsView for Plasma Applet Browser in SVN
- Plasma: FileBrowser Data Engine
Ivan Čukić
dr Ivan Čukić
Author of "Functional Programming in C++", KDE developer and Free/Libre software enthusiast
For inquiries about KDE projects (requesting features, submitting bugs, asking general questions etc.), you can use:
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Bug reporting site
#plasma IRC channel
You need to contact me directly?
KDE related:
ivan.cukic [at] kde.org
Non KDE related things:
ivan [at] this domain
IRC Network: libera.chat
Nick: ivan|home
Channel: #plasma
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Functional Programming in C++
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