- Prog(ressive) C++ at Meeting C++
- Structured Bindings with Qt SQL
- Fuzzy search for C++ Reference, Qt documentation and more from shell, Vim or Neovim
- Qt, range-based for loops and structured bindings
- Template meta-functions for detecting template instantiation
- Template meta-programming: Some testing and debugging tricks
- Moving iterators in C++
- C++17 projections even without ranges
- Knowing when not to use the STL algorithms - set operations
- Voy: Reactive streams for distributed computing [Plasma Blade]
- C++ Russia 2018 and template meta-programming in modern C++
- There is much more to std::for_each than meets the eye
- C++17 and parallel algorithms in STL - setting up
- Functional Design for Concurrent Systems (book snippet and discounts)
- I will be giving the Keynote at C++ Siberia 2017
- The long arrow operator in C++ (not the usual one)
- C++ Concepts TS for getting functions as arguments, and the book discount
- Camels and snakes
- Functions taking functions
- Functional reactive programming at Meeting C++
- Functional Programming in C++ book, and the promo discount codes
- C++ conferences in Europe
- C++ at a functional programming event
- There and back again, an algorithm tale
- Russia hot for C++ (and Qt)
- Asynchronous in Russia
- Tests for code that uses a database
- Meeting C++ and fantastic people
- Meeting C++ with Monads, Berlin
- API Design Part 2: Impact on the safety
- API Design Part 1: Impact on the Performance (Qt vs STL example)
- Using GNU Global for local source code indexing
- #1 talk at Meeting C++
- Using Clang's static analyzer to analyze your project
- Even better file switching for Vim
- Header/Source switching in Vim
- VIM: "Hiding" C++11 lambdas
- Which one is clearer - the resolution
- Which one is clearer?
- SQL results in range-for
- Slides from Qt Dev Days: continuations, asynchronous APIs, etc.
- Continuations and asynchronous programming at Qt Dev Days
- Clang Format
- Curry with a lot of (syntax) sugar in C++11 (finished)
- Even more curry for C++11
- Curry all over the C++11
- String concatenation in Qt5/KF5 (contd.)
- String concatenation in Qt5/KF5
- Singletons, shared instances, the modern way
- D-Ptr, the modern way
- CodeQtStyle or the_old_school
- Qt Functional [2]
- Qt Functional
Ivan Čukić
dr Ivan Čukić
Author of "Functional Programming in C++", KDE developer and Free/Libre software enthusiast
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ivan.cukic [at] kde.org
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Blog categories
Functional Programming in C++
If you like C++,
you might be interested in my book.
It contains quite a few gems
of modern C++ programming.
It is available for purchase at:
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